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Welcome to PhysXtreme Gaming! Providing news from around the world and original articles all about pc, console gaming and of course ... PhysX!!!!

EA is being nice again. : )

  EA, often noted as the worst company in the U.S.A., once again is doing something nice for the consumer by making certain DLC free now.  Battlefield 4 China Rising for PC can be downloaded on Origin (Click the picture presented on the left to get to it.)  Also there is free DLC for Titanfall too which includes the Titanfall Season Pass.  Finally EA also has continued with their On the House program and one can get the full game of Nox there right now.  See people ...

EA isn't so bad. :P

 The Witcher 3 includes PhysX by Nvidia making the game a more hair raising experience.

 At this link an article credited to David Coombes provides more information on how Nvidia is bringing PhysX to The Witcher 3.  The Nvidia HairWorks basically will bring a next generation, more life-like, realistic look to characters and creatures in games.  The key features in Nvidia HairWorks are that it supports off the shelf grooming tools, shape & style control, self-shadowing, body to hair shadow casting, wind interaction, level of detail, scalability and real time editing in viewer.  It is yet another tool in allowing game makers to make games the way they were meant to be played thanks to Nvidia. 
 If you are interested in another exciting title which makes use of PhysX from Nvidia well go grab The Witcher 3!

 Are some companies afraid to release games on the 13th of a month?  Do any of them believe that sales could be hurt by releasing them on a day with a number that is often associated with bad luck?

   When I went to update the list of games being released one day on the front page of my website I found that there were none to list for the 13th and so with that said I will be looking further into whether or not publishers, game creators and so on believe in not releasing games on the 13th of any month.  Do you believe this could be true?  Do you know of anybody in the gaming industry that believes in this?  If so please share your comments in the new topic that will be up to discuss this on the message boards.

 Microsoft is buying Mojang for $2.5 billion!

By DeViLzzz (9/15/2014)

 In huge news that applies to both the pc gaming world and console gaming world Mojang is being bought by Microsoft.  It was reported today by Owen on Mojang's official website.  So now it looks like Microsoft who already had an image problem in regards to their latest console, the Xbox One, being a system that didn't have the hardware to really play hardcore games and was more of an entertainment unit takes another step in the direction of reaching out to casuals as people call them in the gaming world and with the lofty price that is said that they are paying for this, $2.5 billion, do you think they are overpaying for this all? Are they going in the wrong direction once again?  How much more can they milk out of Minecraft? What else is there that Mojang offers that will get them their money back and more?  For more information on what Owen said you can go to the following link:

 Now after you take in all he has to say and take in what I said go over to the PhysXtreme Message Boards and comment on the discussion started there.

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